How to Sit Quietly
There are many ways – and reasons – to “sit quietly.” One way, presented here, is to give you the experience of “being in your head” with “an intention” for being there. In this first exercise, the “intention” is to learn; others could be to relax, to process, to check-in, to awaken…or some combination of these.
We start with a guided exercise – meaning you sit quietly while listening and having your focus and attention directed by what you’re being “told to do.” (Note for now that other ways of SQ [e.g., mindful contemplation, relaxing, processing, prayer, meditation] are more often self-guided, wherein you are the one “directing” your focus.)
Before you begin this first exercise, please note:
- Sitting quietly is just that; sitting with a minimum of external noise or distraction. It can be done anywhere but is of course subject to you being physically safe and able to close your eyes to focus inwardly. How, where, when, and why are all up to you, but arguably it’s best to find a place that is private, comfortable, and of course, if possible, “quiet.”
- What you wear and how you “sit” are also entirely up to you; but sitting up (as opposed to lying down) is recommended, so as to be aware and remain alert (as opposed to falling asleep, unless of course that is your intention for SQ).
To get started; click here or on One Way to SQ below: